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Freight Management

Integrate freight management into your overall logistics flow
Monitor your shipping movements throughout the supply pipeline

Sea Freight

LCL consolidation and FCL movement from/to multiple locations

Air Freight

Consolidation schedules from multiple origins and destinations
Sea Freight

Dextrans handles both LCL consolidation and FCL seafreight movement to and from multiple locations. In collaboration with its representations in numerous locations worldwide it allows for the easy access of cargo information pushed through the internet whereby documentation processing can be done prior to the arrival of the freight; easing the flow of customs clearance. Just like for airfreight, consolidation hubs located in strategic locations such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Rotterdam, Los Angeles and Chicago assist not only to lower freight cost but also bring deliveries insmaller, more frequent and manageable cost.

Our expertise is not only to manage the flow of seafreight activities but also to help companies use seafreight as a means and tool to integrate with their overall logistics flow. This we use an open operating platform base on the internet technology so that track and trace of cargo movements can be monitored throughout the supply pipeline.


Air Freight

Dextrans is able to provide regular and frequent airfreight consolidation schedules available from multiple origins to multiple destinations. Dextrans provides both premier as well as normal consolidation services to cater to the needs of various shippers. Our value pack airfreight consolidation hub and spoke system allows our clients to optimize their value with a good balance between cost and speed. Of paramount importance is that we listen to the needs and requirements of our customers and then tailor a service that is in relation to that requirement. In this way, our clients do not compromise on cost and at the same time can expect to derive maximum mileage from their airfreight movement.

Our main geographic coverage encompasses the continents of Asia, Europe and USA. Dextrans is also able to hold a freight at strategic points such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York so as to allow duty drawbacks and customs formalities to take place. These points serve as a logistics hub so that inventories can be re-consolidated from multiple origins pending delivery as a single shipment to a factory. Consolidation allows transportation cost to be economized.

Website Development

Ui/Ux Designing
